November 3, 2023
“Stop calling your employees family”…
May 2, 2023
A friend of mine called late the other night in a morbid mood and at an advanced state of refreshment engaging in a bit of LIYE – Living In Your Eulogy. I know I often occupy this head space and was surprised at how many of my closest friends and family also find themselves daydreamingly floating round the dusty church rafters, helicopter viewing their own […]
February 15, 2021
“The Met Office have issued an amber weather warning” the weather man announced the other day. I must have heard that quite a few times over the past few years in particular but for some reason on that day I thought “right so what does that mean I do now”.
May 24, 2020
“The first rule of hypocrites club is: You do not talk about hypocrites club. Unless you’re me”.
May 12, 2020
“It is necessary to work, if not from inclination, at least from despair. Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself”. Charles Baudelaire